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Why do Students Leave Germany and Come to Bulgaria?

Why do Students Leave Germany and Come to Bulgaria?

German universities rank among the top in the world, only behind a couple of American and British universities. Students in Germany receive a world-class education and diplomas that are recognized all over the globe. And yet, according to studies and surveys, many students start to flee Germany and choose other destinations in the European continent to complete their education.

Although German higher education emphasizes strongly on apprenticeship and the involvement of students in the educational process, at both the practical and theoretical levels, the issue of students shortage and burnout becomes more visible and common as days go by. In a country that needs a skilled workforce to operate the emerging factors and businesses, international students are a valuable resource that lawmakers try desperately to allure into the cycle of production. Many observers blame hostile employers and a lack of preparation for this phenomenon.

Why Are Students Fleeing Germany?

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) has published a worrisome study that analyzes the current condition of foreign students and the need for a skilled workforce to fill in the gaps left by an aging population in Germany. In recent years, Germany has implemented changes to convince students to come to the country and stay for longer periods. However, many international students still struggle to find appropriate jobs for themselves after graduation.

German universities lack proper career services for students. They only focus on career support in the later stages. The German research foundation also published a second report stating that over 54% of international students flee Germany after completing their education, and they are considerably more likely to cancel their education compared to local Germans.

The Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) concluded from their analysis that the cause of this phenomenon was due to hesitant employers and poor student preparation. According to surveyed students, the language barrier was one of the major obstacles. As German universities keep offering English-language courses, students graduate eventually but they lack the ability to use the local language properly, which is necessary to apply for jobs in Germany.

German companies continue to suffer human resource shortages. This case is very prevalent among small businesses that need fresh graduates. Training and skill development are costly for these businesses. So, they keep searching for already skilled and German-speaking students. The students, on the other hand, prefer English-tough programs to spare themselves the burden of learning the German language. Other students just can’t offer the high cost of living in Germany, so they flee Germany and pick other options on the map.

Why Are Students Heading to Bulgaria?

Bulgaria is attracting an increasing number of international students who want to study medicine in Europe. International students in Bulgaria enjoy a student life similar to their counterparts in other European countries. Indeed, these students have one of the best student experiences ever, thanks to low-cost living and the rich culture in the country. The number of international students applying to Bulgarian universities is at an all-time high compared to previous years. Common options in Bulgaria include Sofia Medical University, Varna Medical University, Plovdiv Medical University, and Pleven Medical University.

Most students who come to Bulgaria to study are European Union nationals. They may come from Germany, France, Italy, or Greece. However, the number of students from Asia and Africa is also growing as people know more about the advantages and benefits of studying in Bulgaria.

For starters, the high level of education and affordable tuition rates in Bulgaria are the main reasons behind this emerging phenomenon. Another reason why individuals choose to study and work in this country is the scarcity of doctors and medical professionals in Bulgaria, which opens a lot of opportunities for students. Here is an in-depth review of the reasons why students leave Germany and come to Bulgaria:

High-Quality Education

Bulgaria’s education system is a well-developed system that produces great outcomes and globally recognized degrees. Bulgarian higher education institutions provide a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs in the domains of sciences, technology, and health care.

Medicine is the most popular and sought-after program in Bulgaria. Bulgarian universities offer medicine programs in both Bulgarian and English. The number of mutual projects between Bulgarian higher education institutions and their counterparts in other EU nations is grown steadily in the last decades, providing a wide range of opportunities for fresh graduates. The Bulgarian National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, which is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, ensures the quality of higher education in Bulgaria. Some Bulgarian higher education institutes also offer dual degree programs for international students.

Safe Environment & Affordable Living Costs

Bulgaria is one of the cheapest countries in Europe. Bulgaria offers inexpensive tuition fees and living costs. As a student, you will enjoy cheap housing, transportation, food, and other basic living necessities. In Bulgaria, low-cost student housing is readily accessible for most students.

The country is also safe and peaceful for students. In fact, many students from India, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Greece, and South Africa have expressed satisfaction with the housing, hospitality, and security systems in Bulgaria. Bulgarians are kind and friendly. There are plenty of wonderful sites to visit. You may go to Bulgaria’s neighboring countries at a minimal cost too.

Jobs Availability

Students can work and study at the same time in Bulgaria. International students can work during their holidays. Bulgaria’s higher education institutions provide students with the skills they need to start their careers. Students with a bachelor’s or master’s degree are eligible to apply for jobs in Bulgarian companies. Also, internships are available for students pursuing a degree in medicine